Designed in Scandinavia - Hand crafted in Sweden
The Blade:
Weight balanced for easy operating
Flat cutting side for chopping up small roots
Curved cutting side for cutting bigger roots and small trees
Rake side developed to not get vegitation stuck between the
Bottle opener for post trail-breaking refreshments
Wear-resistant Hardox steel coated with vegetable oil for
corrosion resistance during shipping.
The Handle:
Finest Ash wood coated with linseed oil and balsam turpentine
Quick release clamp for easy packing
1,6 m long and 34mm diameter makes the whole tool ergonomic
to use.
Registrate your uniqe tool serial number at our website to
gain life time warranty for your Trail Breaker Tool
The Blade:
Weight balanced for easy operating
Flat cutting side for chopping up small roots
Curved cutting side for cutting bigger roots and small trees
Rake side developed to not get vegitation stuck between the
Bottle opener for post trail-breaking refreshments
Wear-resistant Hardox steel coated with vegetable oil for
corrosion resistance during shipping.
The Handle:
Finest Ash wood coated with linseed oil and balsam turpentine
Quick release clamp for easy packing
1,6 m long and 34mm diameter makes the whole tool ergonomic
to use.
Registrate your uniqe tool serial number at our website to
gain life time warranty for your Trail Breaker Tool